Tag Archives: relax

A big Summer Holiday!

Sunset in St Lucia

Sunset in St Lucia

For over 8 years I’ve not been on a “proper” Summer holiday. This being a holiday somewhere where we’re truely not doing anything. Pool and sun. All inclusive. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do in a LONG time but for one reason or another it hasn’t really transpired. We end up going on City breaks, and as good as they may be, you always come back feeling more tired than when you went. So, this year we did something different and a bit out the ordinary. After my Cancer ordeal, and not being able to get away for a real honeymoon, we decided to go all out. My wife, Anna, went on Google and came across Sandal’s Resorts. My parents had heard of this company but we hadn’t.  After a bit of searching, St Lucia was highlighted and we put down our deposit.

I should say at this time I didn’t really know where St Lucia was. I knew it was an island but wouldn’t have placed it in the Caribbean. It looked nice enough and more importantly the weather forecast looked the part. High 20s., 30degrees Celcius. “That’ll do”, I said.

I for one had only two requests, those being that it was warm, and all inclusive, and we didn’t want to do anything. No excursions, tours, etc. I wanted Jet Skis but unfortunately the resort didn’t have any powered water sports toys, which annoyed me. That’ll teach me for not partaking in the search.

We opted for 10 days as the flight was 8hrs so esentially you’re spending two days traveling. 10 days turned out to be the right amount of time. We were able to fully relax and chill out and forget about any worries.

A quick summary, we drank a lot, sun lounged a lot, and ate some amazing food. The food was fantastic. The resort we went to – La Toc – had a number of different restaurants on site and many didn’t require a reservation so you could just go along when you fancied and get some food. They also had a takeaway pizza place with stone fired pizza, running from 11am to 5pm. I was adventurous and although I’m not really a fan of sea food other than plain fish and shrimp, I did try octupous and had a muscle – wouldn’t try a muscle again mind, bit rubbery!

The room was lovely and air conditioned which was bliss as the humidity was unreal. It was often 80% or higher with no rain. The fridge in the room was stocked with soft drinks and alcohol and whatever you drank was restocked for the next day. The staff were very friendly but some of the guests didn’t seem to like that. They were almost too friendly at times but that’s not so bad.

The only thing that slightly got to us was the loud and arrogant Yanks. The resort was adult only, so by default you think quiet and relaxing, which it was for the most part. But you add in unlimited alcohol and you get drunk adults by lunchtime. And they don’t seem to have a volume control.

Next time, I’ll be sure to have more search input, and we’ll probably do a villa holiday or choose somewhere that isn’t so close to America. This is coming across as anti American which I’m not at all, but I would certainly advise maybe reading some TripAdvisor reviews before booking anything!

Quality of Life is Everything

Over the last year I’ve learnt a lot about myself and how to enjoy life better. Without going in to too much detail I will bullet point the facts!

  1. Distance you commute to work; I commute 10 miles a day. 15 minutes to work/15 minutes back. So all you recruiters offering a job in Peterborough or London… I’m not interested. And remember how the old saying goes “work for a living”
  2. Money isn’t everything – the money I’m saving on not paying the extra on petrol to commute is real… Time is also money. I’d rather spend time not working but on hobbies and other tasks than working
  3. Look after plants and tend a garden if you have one. Time in the sun is your natural source of Vitamin 10. You will feel happier and more relaxed and not so stressed!
  4. Focus on saving money for a house deposit and not spending so much on rent! It’s cheaper than you may think and there are several government incentives to assist (Help to Buy, ISA planes etc)
  5. Fitness and Health. I 5BX every day and try my best to eat 5 Fruit/Veg every day!
  6. My girlfriend (who I’ve been with 10 months now) is amazing and has taught me to take a load off and chill!