Tag Archives: life

Moving on

Not long ago I lost an old friend – not as in dead lost – but lost as in they moved up the country and broke all contact without much notice or explanation… it wouldn’t be so strange other than I’d known them for a long long time (since school long).

I won’t be naming any names but I really don’t understand the reason for it. People need to take a break and have their space and focus time but to break all contact with the people you’ve been dealing with is rather odd.

You know they meant a lot when they keep on appearing in your dreams… months on even. The biggest problem was not knowing, so I made sure they were actually alive but the reasoning for the silence and why still baffled me. It’s actually really annoying, the dreams I mean. In my consciousness I have acknowledged that for whatever reason the friendship we had obviously wasn’t all that. I’ve other friends through work and out of work and come to terms with the fact I just need to move on and hope that if this person really cared then at some point they’d get back in touch.

I’ve written this in the hope that it’ll help by putting pen to paper so to speak (always better to get something off your chest).

Quality of Life is Everything

Over the last year I’ve learnt a lot about myself and how to enjoy life better. Without going in to too much detail I will bullet point the facts!

  1. Distance you commute to work; I commute 10 miles a day. 15 minutes to work/15 minutes back. So all you recruiters offering a job in Peterborough or London… I’m not interested. And remember how the old saying goes “work for a living”
  2. Money isn’t everything – the money I’m saving on not paying the extra on petrol to commute is real… Time is also money. I’d rather spend time not working but on hobbies and other tasks than working
  3. Look after plants and tend a garden if you have one. Time in the sun is your natural source of Vitamin 10. You will feel happier and more relaxed and not so stressed!
  4. Focus on saving money for a house deposit and not spending so much on rent! It’s cheaper than you may think and there are several government incentives to assist (Help to Buy, ISA planes etc)
  5. Fitness and Health. I 5BX every day and try my best to eat 5 Fruit/Veg every day!
  6. My girlfriend (who I’ve been with 10 months now) is amazing and has taught me to take a load off and chill!

Modifying my house more than my car

I fitted a tap to the front of our house yesterday, totally exciting I know. Today I had a double glazed panel on our back door replaced with a clear panel, with a cat flap, so our cat “Berry” can enter and leave on his own. Two weeks previous, I had the old 80s era gas fire removed from the lounge and the pipe capped off…

My Mazda has been sat parked up over winter, which upsets me a little, but at the same time, and unlike previous years, I’ve really had no inclination to freeze my butt off outdoors wrenching!

The clocks go forward next weekend and the evenings will be getting longer and I have a little cash to spare. Tying in with my previous post (https://tobywhite.de/blog/?p=23182) I aim to finally complete my turbo MX5!

Before this though, we’re heading up to Sheffield to endure the snake pass in my girlfriends 1.8 Mk1 MX5. (My idea). And of course, it’s nice to get away for a couple of days. 🙂