Tag Archives: Driving

Take it to the limit…

There’s no better feeling than driving a car fast… but it shouldn’t be on a public road when you’re not sure how to handle the car in those conditions.

Forgive me for being a grumpy fart, but I’ve seen too many posts on Facebook recently of people I know writing off their cars (thank goodness without too much injury to themselves) but nonetheless totally avoidable.

I really do recommend everyone goes on a skidpan course to be shown how to handle a car in a skid… but really follow the below:

  1.  Leave 2 cars’ distance between you and the car in front
  2. If it’s below 3 Celcius expect ice, even if you can’t see it – so drive slower
  3. If it’s rained heavily after a period of it being dry, the road can be as slippy as an oil or diesel slick – drive slower!

And for all intents and purposes, if you want to “take it to the limit” take the car to the track!

The Eagles always do a great job, and the song which inspired this post is brilliant 🙂

Stay safe, and Merry Christmas!

Just ‘cos you drive a bus, doesn’t mean you can cut me up!

This is something that has been bothering me lately.

I meet the same bus on a regular basis, when I drive to work, and depending on what time I leave I happen to meet it. This normally involves it not slowing down and me having move over as far as possible.

I know that’s not cutting me up, but I can talk about that on several other occasions, such as the big roundabout in Bedford. You’ll know which one if you drive there often.

The first reaction if you’re driving something smaller than a bus, is to get out of the way, but this is bullying and it pisses me off.