Tag Archives: dog

A visit to the canals at Marsworth

Last weekend (I know this post is rather delayed, but I’ve only just had time to post them) me and my Dad and our Golden Retriever took a 5/6 mile round trip walk around the canals at Marsworth on the Herts/Bucks border.

I will keep this rather brief, as me being me, I have found another Blog, which to be fair probably explains better the area. I will though include a couple of pictures of myself and my dog, Bailey!

Link to other Blog: http://www.luphen.org.uk/public/2002/2002marsworth.htm


Me and Bailey

Me posing beneath a bridge

Me posing beneath a bridge

5 reasons to take a walk after work!

Now, I don’t know about other people but for me at least I have to commute to work (by car, which takes 30 mins) and then spend most of my day sitting at a PC. That’s part of my job, it can’t be helped.

I find it quite nice when I get back home to take a good walk. Five reasons for this:

  • Gets you stretching your legs, and getting some exercise
  • If you’ve got a dog, gives you a good reason to walk it
  • Lets you wind down and calm down if your day has been stressful
  • If you use a PC at home a lot anyway, gives you a break between sitting at one and moving to another
  • Builds up a good appetite, I try and go before Dinner

So there. That is my five reasons to take a walk when I get home from walk.