Tag Archives: 2013

2013 – End of Year Roundup

This year has been one for friends, new beginnings, new projects, success and failure. But with every let down something better has come from it and that’s how we should all think. One needs to be positive and always move forward, without hesitation, and remember that good things are always on the horizon.

This year has been a bit of a blur. I sold one car and bought two new ones, changed jobs, made success with Frantik (Whitecherry) and put Death Cap on the back burner whilst that was focused on. Next year I want to take both and make them bigger and better, so watch that space.

I have continued and focused on my workout regime. You can follow my fitness microblog there if you’re interested to hear my musings….

I am also still very involved with Club 85 in Hitchin and working with social media for Rhythms of the World. Music is still something I hold close to my heart.

I can’t remember much from 2012 so  I intend to make 2014 truly special.

Peace and good health to all,

Happy New Year


2012 – End of Year Roundup

In good tradition I am ending the year with a final roundup and quick wrap up before venturing out into the great outdoors for the NYE celebrations…

Another year on its way out and really what a year it has been!

I started with two goals:

  1. To get a new job – succeeded (now working for Interweave IT, Letchworth)
  2. To find a nice girl – succeeded

You can get anywhere if you work hard enough to achieve your goals but the main thing to do is not set yourself goals that are unobtainable.

Other things such as my exercise regime and love of cars has been maintained (with the purchase of an MG MGF for £500 due to an eBay auction not following through – will blog in early 2013).

Computers (and my Freelance work) are still going strong, and my love of music prevails. I aim to do more with my Label in 2013 as I’ve put that onto the back-burner during 2012 and let tick-over, but as always juggling several projects is a headache at times – it’s important to make time!

I also made it a priority to make more time for friends and family in 2012 and aim to continue this trend. I aim to read more too! More books, that is.

Again, and before long, I can see this becoming a lengthy spiel, so will cut short now. To everyone who may read this – all the best for the future!

Best wishes,
