Category Archives: General

An Inspirational Journey

I’ve been quiet on here. I’ve been busy. We’re currenly in the process of selling our house and that’s a whole different level of stress… I don’t tend to deal too well with matters out of my control. Most of the factors there including Estate Agents, Solicitors, and other 3rd parties are out of our control.

I came across a recent video posted by Moog from Mighty Car Mods on their second YouTube channel covering his journey to compete in a CrossFit competition, having never done any serious exercise for decades (he’s now in his mid 40s). It’s a great documentary film, and should inspire many to get up and experience the outdoors.

I’ve exercised on/off for many years as it’s a good way to destress, and the exercise I do at home (5BX variation) is something that can be done anywhere, at no cost, without a massive amount of time required on a daily basis.

Following my cancer diagnosis and treatment 3 yrs ago, I needed to learn to walk again, but it was the determination (and requirement) to exercise and get strong again kept me going and focused.  I still needed to seek therapy following that exerience, but the exercise and determination to get back doing the hobbies I enjoyed previously kept me on the straight and narrow.

I should add that it was MCM that led me down the slippery slope to turbocharge my MX5, before it was really popular here in the UK. I’ve still got that car, and following 8 months of chemo, all I wanted to do was to get that completed and running properly, which I now have. It kept me driven.

Enjoy the film, and thanks Moog.

End of year wrap!

I can’t believe another year has flown by… it always seems to surprise me. Most of this year was consumed with my parent’s house-move. They’ve moved to Norfolk after 30+ years of living in Shillington, Herts. That was also my childhood home so it was a little strange knowing that I wouldn’t be going back there for Christmas. Nevertheless, the new home is rather lovely and not disappointing at all. There’s more room, and garages that can be used for cars rather than storage, so that is something I can aspire to have in the future too!

Christmas time this year was a much happier time for me. I think I am finally returning to “normal” following two years of life-changing events and mental as well as physical recovery of both.

I would highly recommend anyone who has been impacted by any terrible events in their life to seek out some unbiased counselling. I used The Wellbeing Therapy Centre who have locations around the country.  I spent a year focusing heavily on my physcical wellbeing and recovery but then rushed back into work and every-day life. With hindsight I would have (should have) taken a period of time to “reset” before going into things gung-ho!

The next thing I can suggest from experience is to find a new job if you’re unhappy. A lot of people say that a job is only a job, but when you’re spending 40 hrs a week on that job, it’s a little bit more than that. If you’re not happy, brush up your CV, and get on the job boards. Don’t let your mental health suffer as a result.

I’ve been in a new job now for over 10 months and it was hands down the best decision I’ve made in the last few years. I’m still working from home, and I wouldn’t change that for the world now. I have time to do my exercises before starting work daily and have more time to appreciate how lucky I am to be here and still writing this post.

I got my work to add to their employee rewards site, the option to donate to the Bone Cancer Research Trust, and I try and chuck some money that way as often as I can.

One of the other big achievements for me on a personal level this year was getting reacquainted with an old friend. We hadn’t seen each other in around 5 years and got back in touch at the start of the year. Good friends are hard to find so it’s worth keeping the ones you have close.

Wishing everyone the best for 2023!

New Beginnings

Last week I finished working at the job I’ve been working at for 5 years. That’s a long time and a lot has happened in that time.

The postives: got another cat, got some new cars, made progress on my Mazda, visited some new places (Amsterdam, Paris, Hamburg, various places in Wales, Cornwall), got married!

Negatives: Got Cancer (and covid); spent the last year working through a company that had gone through multiple acquisitions culminating in me going off on stress leave for around a month.

Enough is enough!

I’ve been engrossed in watching or learning about Cerro Gordo Ghost Town (see Ghost Town Living) and it’s been a really interesting experience watching someone who had no real life experience of living alone in the middle of nowhere. Needless to say he had the quick realisation that he was the only person who could determine anything that happened there, and he’s got some great philiosophical insights. One thing I’ve really taken away from that all is what he said and that is that if you don’t like something, do something about that. And that’s what I did!

Work got too much and after the big C, I have a different outlook on life. Making the most of every day and life in general is important, and I’m not going to spend it being unhappy, so I spent the time I had taken during the absence of leave finding a new job. Big priorities were ensuring it was another remote working role – I’ve been working remotely since around the beginning of the pandemic and I’ve enjoyed it. You do get lonely at times, but at the same time the pros outweigh the cons. Not having to get stressed in rush hour traffic and shout at other drivers is a bonus. That is one good thing that has come out of the pandemic really, and something that I could have done for a long time (working in IT) but it took that to wake a lot of people up.