Tag Archives: holiday

England: An ideal Holiday Destination

This year, why not make more of England?

That’s a good question, and I’m quoting The Guardian here, where I first saw this. I’m a fan of supporting local business; it makes sense after all. Money spent in this country goes back into the country and that feels ‘right’ to me!

I guess I missed out on the Ibiza craze? I’m now 23 and working, and I was working when  I was 18. I did an Apprenticeship and went straight into work so this may be a reason why I’m inclined to write such a post…

I’ve been abroad a fair few times with parents or school but recently I’ve enjoyed camping in the New Forest, and Norfolk, and have enjoyed some time in the Peak District too and would like to go back there for certain.

I’ve enjoyed staying in Old English Inns (now owned by Greene King) and as they have a range of locations across the countries may well look at making those a base!

As I rather enjoy driving, I look forward to exploring this country as much as possible to begin with. Yes the weather is always a problem, but then I will probably look to check out Lanzerote or similar in Winter!