Tag Archives: free

Dropbox – what an amazing piece of software!

I know a million and one people have written about Dropbox, but I really do think it’s great. I am using it to manage my NVQ work at the minute – so I have it all in one place and can edit it from more than one location.

It keeps everything synchronized which is wonderful.

The free option is free (obviously) but the paid options offer more space – there is also the option to get an upgrade which gives you access to unlimited previous versions or backups of files.

I highly recommend it.

Web site: http://www.dropbox.com

FreeNAS: The ‘Free’ network storage solution!


In an attempt to save money, and my ability to ‘acquire’ an old PC, I was recommended a piece of software called FreeNAS. I currently have some extra HDD’s in my PowerMac G5 which I share over the network using SharePoints. This works very well and I’ve set up a couple of AppleScript scripts which I’ve saved as apps, to mount these shares. Work’s very well all in all, and hasn’t failed me yet.

What would make more sense is if it wasn’t a G5 which consumes lots of power, and was something small and quiet that I could pick up from work (old PC being chucked out).

I therefore ended up with a 2.8Ghz P4 machine with a gig of RAM which I will soon be kitting out with a 500Gb drive or 1Tb drive (internal) to use as a storage device. I have now got FreeNAS installed on a USB stick (very quick and easy, had it set up in about 1hr) and boots in no time.

What’s nice about FreeNAS is that it doesn’t have a GUI so there’s nothing to load. It has a Web interface instead, although you can also set the IP address and what not from the device itself. But overall it’s great, I can power it on and off as a headless unit, and can get some nifty logs as well and status graphs from the web interface.

All in all, this will probably have saved me over £100!

Best free and Open Source Live Chat software.

I have finally discovered what I believe to be the best Open Source (and therefore free) software to use in a Live Chat scenario! Open Web Messenger (or Mibew) developed by one or two guys is incredible.

Frequent updates and a friendly support Forum with quick responses led me to like it very quickly indeed. If you’ve been looking for something like this and don’t want to pay vast amounts for things like Live Person!

Open Web Messenger even has Live Person look-a-like skins – they have even developed a client for Windows with others in the works I do believe.

Web site link: http://openwebim.org/