This is a really frustrating topic. Since moving to Northampton I have been striving to find a local pub. In hindsight, I should have checked before moving but four years ago it wasn’t so much of a priority.
It turns out that I don’t have any “locals”. I did go on a bit of a hunt of the local area a year or two ago, and found that all the pubs nearby have closed, many due to antisocial behaviour.
One had been closed, and turned into a block of flats. On a plus side a barbershop has also opened there, so I no longer have to queue to get my hair cut; you win some – you lose some!
The nicest pub we did find was the Elwes Arms in Little Billing, but at 1.3km away it’s not exactly local and walkable in 10 mins.

I have had a look on WhatPub for the concise list of pubs, that also serve ale (not a real pub otherwise, right?) This is the list
In the village my parents still reside, the olde world pub, The Musgrave Arms has recently closed again after the landlords only spent 6 months there. With high maintenance costs, rent and little help from the brewery (Greene King) sometimes it just can’t be helped but for them to close. The pubs that do survive have to diversify and move into food to maintain good revenues throughout winter.