Fitting the front disk
A pic of the front disk with caliper tied up behind
Drilling out screws
A closer look at the disk with wheel on
Disk on show with wheel back on
Rear disk in place with new pads on show
Shiny new disk
So, this came as an advisory on the service. Things needed replacing so I decided to do the full lot and be done with it.
I bought Pagid (OEM to Merc etc) pads and disks from Euro Car Parts for around £172. I was also going to give it a go at fitting myself.
I followed a very handy tutorial written by CJJ off the MG Rover .org Forums.
Tutorial for changing front AP Disks and Pads – http://forums.mg-rover.org/showthread.php?t=197579
Tutorial for changing rear Disks and Pads – http://forums.mg-rover.org/showthread.php?t=199027
With a little help from my Dad, I managed to do the work in a weeekend (front one day, back the next)… luckily the weather held off.
I saved myself money on getting them fitted, and by doing so, learnt a little more about car mechanics. The back set I more or less did myself 🙂
Result – a better braking experience and no more unhealthy sounding noises making for a better ride all in all.
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