Category Archives: Tech

BlackBerry: Back To Black!

BlackBerry 9700 front and back

I opted out of getting a new iPhone and decided to get a BlackBerry (I like to call them CrackBerry)

I had previously used an LG GT505. I dropped this in the toilet (don’t ask!)  soon after getting it but it had done it’s fair share after I had gotten it working again by thoroughly drying it out….

I had decided I’d gotten bored of having a touch screen. So in due course opted for a BlackBerry 9700 – it’s great, it syncs with my Mac, the keyboard looks small but it’s very usable and I have big hands. I am very pleased with it!

It does everything I want of it at the minute.

I shall update when I come across things I like.

Please note: the battery life isn’t great when you have Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Facebook app, Twitter app, and MySpace app, as well as the email being pushed to your phone. Switch these off to preserve battery life. On the other hand it is a smarthphone. Oh, and the camera isn’t amazing, but then I have a camera if you want good photos!

You may also be interested in: Best (and most useful) totally free BlackBerry apps

I don’t always want the Jaguar.

Continuing from my post, dated January 10th 2010 (

I believe I am growing old, I am listening to Radio 2 driving to and from work, and I have decided that there is too much choice when it comes to buying a damn mobile phone.

Since the release of the iPhone every phone needs look like or act like an iPhone with a touchscreen and smartphone-esque features without being a smartphone, and also I don’t want to have something that costs four hundred pounds all the time.

If I wanted a camera I would buy a camera, not want to have a phone with a 12Mpx camera, or GPS. The iPhone is nice, but it costs to have it.

Today, I put my SIM card in a battered up Nokia I found in Lost Property – the battery still held a charge and the phone then rang when I called my number. Simple!

Dropbox – what an amazing piece of software!

I know a million and one people have written about Dropbox, but I really do think it’s great. I am using it to manage my NVQ work at the minute – so I have it all in one place and can edit it from more than one location.

It keeps everything synchronized which is wonderful.

The free option is free (obviously) but the paid options offer more space – there is also the option to get an upgrade which gives you access to unlimited previous versions or backups of files.

I highly recommend it.

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