Author Archives: Toby White

About Toby White

I'm a doer!

You can’t write in English; but you’re still a human.

This is an interesting thought I had the other day, consisting of many many incidences of coming across people (yes, normal people) not being able to write or speak English yet they grace our streets and mix with us. Yo tlk liiiike dis ennit bruv and shIT &&& need to put unnecessary symbols in your writing. (I mean no offense, but your shortening of your words actually increases the length of the phrase you are writing.)

I began to think, who is to blame? Which part of society has let them down. Should their parents be blamed for not helping them, or supporting them through their education, or should their families be blamed for being a bad influence? Should the Government be blamed for not doing enough to help?

The fact is, in my opinion, that these are normal human beings. They are scrutinised for their behaviour, but what are you doing to help them?

Help them along, don’t treat them like aliens, they deserve to be here as much as you, you ignorant prick! Of course, I’m not suggesting them acting or behaving this way is a good thing – in fact I am saying quite the opposite, that it is quite unfortunate that they had to turn out this way. Listen to some metal, it might help!

Mind over matter

I can’t say the last few weeks have been fun, nor can I say the last couple of weeks have made me happy. I am happiest when I’m not at home or work, as work is bringing me down lately and frankly me staying at home consists of me living in my room (to be expected at my age, I guess).

I continue thinking that the next day will be better, and that things will change but I have come to realise who cares? Who cares what I do, or say. I make myself feel worse, by telling other people how I feel but know that I am then upsetting or annoying the few people I can call ‘friends’ by doing this!

I therefore keep my thoughts to myself, which realistically isn’t a good thing. I build this anger up, and am fueled so much by this anger, that I am worried one day it will leave me and be vented on someone or thing that really shouldn’t deserve it. I also know that I must live on, to fulfill my dream, and destiny. I don’t want your sympathy, and I certainly don’t want any pity.

Thinking so deeply about this, leads me to thinking about such things as suicide (as one does, some of the feelings I have felt I can’t fathom to describe) but also leads me to think about why you would want to waste something, you’ll only ever have one chance to use, if you get what I’m saying. Ending one’s life is not the answer. Maybe I’m being too dramatic.

Alcohol does not help depression, apart from causing me to feel tired it doesn’t do a lot. I prefer water if you ask me. Some people choose to waste their life by taking drugs (which upsets me) so I choose not to ‘hang around with them’. I smoke, so what. Compared with drugs and alcohol all in all it’s not that bad.

I could go on, but to be honest I hate complaining (oh, the irony). Live strong! Bare with me!

“Stand up for what you believe in and you can make a difference. Never back down, Never give up, and Never give in!”

Warning: Steer clear of Demon for web hosting!

I have been dealing with Demon to resolve some issues recently for a client and have come to the conclusion that they are absolutely aweful. It should not take 3 weeks to be able to contact someone and resolve an issue.

It took me over a week to realise that trying to get them to resolve the issue (FTP address for some hosting suddenly not working) wasn’t ever going to happen and that it would be quicker to host the web site myself.

I am a reseller for HostGator and provide Hosting myself at a very reasonable rate. I offer support when you need it and am always willing to help 🙂

(P.S I had to plug my services, sorry)

For more information please check my web site: Frantik (Web Technologies)