Author Archives: Toby White

About Toby White

I'm a doer!

Self respect, what happened to that?

I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.  ~Frederick Douglass

In these busy times, many people seem to have forgotten the meaning of ‘self respect’ – odd isn’t it.

I am a big hypocrite, but we all learn from our mistakes, and I intend to better myself.

It doesn’t take a lot but I aim to be true to myself and look after what I’ve been given.

Body Language

So few people realise what it’s like to speak to anyone properly anymore, or interpret emotion.

I was born in 1990 but does that make me one of the last generation that got taught how to communicate effectively?

When you go for an interview you need to be able to interpret body language, facial emotion, tone of voice etc – by communicating in text form using SMS, E-Mail or IM you are unable to do this and will misinterpret what someone means mistakenly.

If you want to work in a Customer Service position you need to be able to do this well.

Half the people I know don’t know how to speak to a stranger on the phone correctly.

What’s happening with the world!

Inner beauty – time for a rant!

To love beauty is to see light.
Victor Hugo

Okie doke, time for a little update then. It’s been an interesting year so far, and rather emotional one looking back. I’ve learnt a lot about who I am and what I’m here for, or living for.

I have a lot of targets and aims I wish to meet.

I recently passed my CompTIA A+ exam first time which has motivated to succeed well, and continue my career in IT – not that I was going to give up on that anytime soon!

Cutting to the chase then – and for a follow up on me quitting smoking – it’s going pretty damned well. It makes me laugh at these people who spend more money on nicotine patches than a pack of cigarettes to start with. Odd really?

It also made me realise that I’m looking at people 3 or 4 years younger than I am currently and thinking what a mess they are only to realise how much I was like that at their age. Which has also been a beneficial factor in my change of mind.Cigarettes are about as pointless as, well, I don’t know.

I am also extremely vain – and smoking does not make you look good whatever you may think. If you can’t handle stress without smoking you are mentally weak. But there are other ways you can go about handling this.

I am 20 years old, a tad over eleven stone in weight, 6ft 3″ high, and have a waist line of 32″. If you’re going to look good on the outside, looking good on the inside is just as important. Smoking and drinking and doing drugs will mess you up.

I hereby am reducing my alcohol intake, trying my hardest to eat well and exercise as much as possible, I want to take up cycling as well and hope to ride more.

What hurts me the most is people who lie, or the total fakes who say they like to keep fit but then smoke as well. It’s not going to work.

In my mind I have to be true to myself. As long as I know what’s right for me nothing else matters!

This year’s going real fast, so it’s my aim to continue doing my best to keep me looking good as I regret what I’ve been doing for the last few years. I really do.

I could rant some more, but don’t see much point.

Stay true to yourself, always! Mind over matter, be strong.
