Author Archives: Toby White

About Toby White

I'm a doer!

MG Progress Update 3 – Brake calipers restored to orginal colour!

Or at least I hope it’s very near original. Yes, this is how I spent the Sunday just gone. 7hrs  (allowing drying time) to take off one wheel at a time, paint, repaint, put wheel back on, touch up and then repeat with the second wheel.

All good fun, and I really was blessed with the weather (and the fact we had no rain, and the rest of England seemed to get loads!)

I am, needless to say, rather chuffed with the end result.

For those that are interested I used Halfords Brake Caliper Paint – at the time of writing this the price stands at £10.99 for a tin which is more than enough paint.

To see my other MG posts take a look here!


Now is as good a time as any to post about life… well what can I say. It’s May 2nd 2011. 12.56 am. And I’ve decided to Blog. This year is going mad fast, rock and roll!

I’ve had some of the best times of my life in the first 5 months of this year! Things are going really well.

I’ve caught up with some old friends and made some great new ones. Death Cap is going really well, my Freelance IT company is going really well and for the umpteenth time I have decided that there is absolutely no point in trying to impress or please others – do what you like because life is relentless. Life could end tomorrow!

And not to mention or forget – that your family is so important to you. You can fall out with every friend you have ever had but just make sure that you stick by your family. They’ll be there for you, if you’re there for them.

Enjoy life, because life is what you make it. Don’t waste it. Enjoy it. Enjoy it for yourself!

Peace out!

EDIT – And did I mention, rock and love, um I meant roll is the fuel for my life.

Badge out the box

MG Progress Update 2 – New badges and a clean hood!

Progress is being made, and Mollie the MG now has new, shiny, sparkly badges courtesy of Rimmer Bros – You can see some pics in the gallery above. I would like to say thanks to ‘zilla’ for the Tutorial. The tutorial can be found here:

I’ve also been able to clean the hood using an AutoGlym Fabric Hood Maintenance kit. I have also stocked up on Intensive Tar Remover and Resin Polish to help look after her some more….. Next in line is to repaint the brake calipers red!