Author Archives: Toby White

About Toby White

I'm a doer!

Why do I drive to see bands?

Or should I say ‘why do I drive further than normal’…?

I like music, very much. There are only a few things in life that come close, such as friends and family.

I like visiting new locations, and places where I may not have been before.

I also like my car a lot, and it’s pure pleasure to drive – and puts such a smile on my face wherever I go. (For info on my car click here – link)

Technology is also something I like a lot and when I drive to new locations I ‘check-in’ on Foursquare.

So there you have it, why be boring and go to the same venue, when you can go somewhere else and have an adventure. Make the most of life, I try!

RIM recommended I don’t downgrade my BB OS, but I did anyway!

DM from BlackBerryHelp on Twitter

DM from BlackBerryHelp on Twitter

Yes, that’s right. I was left with a near useless BlackBerry Bold 9700 (originally shipping with OS 5) after having upgrading to 6. Normally an upgrade is a good thing, but it turned my previously very good phone into nothing more than an expensive paper weight.

As you can imagine I was not too impressed. I couldn’t find an obvious way to downgrade to a previous OS and as you can see from the screen shot I’ve taken, RIM weren’t too forthcoming with help…

There was no obvious way of downgrading to a previous OS from BlackBerry Desktop for Mac and I only found out how to go back when trying to upgrade! Yes, I’m fairly certain the only way you can attempt to downgrade is when clicking on the option to install/update software. (Don’t quote me). I eventually managed to downgrade to OS5 again from 6 and my phone is useable again. Surely other people experienced this issue? The 9700 is near useless running 6 but RIM didn’t seem to acknowledge this!

Either way, I’ve not been too impressed with RIM’s customer service, and their well publicized recent outage hasn’t filled me with too much confidence.

MG TF Update 6 – New TT Mk7 Performance Exhaust

Exhaust fitted on the TF

TT Mk7 Exhausted - Fitted on the TF

It had been a long wait – but the wait was well worth it. This exhaust is great, quality is fantastic and it’s one of only a short run of custom exhausts for the MG TF designed by The Surrey Labs, England.

Cost – £329 –  but worth every penny!

We had to grind the old exhaust off and use some brute force as 8 years of rust and corrosion had ensured that it wouldn’t come off easily.

You can find the logs of the fitting on the .org Forums at the following link:

Next step is to fit an inclosed induction kit (but first of all I need some new tyres!). Watch this space…

The TT Exhaust Logo including motto

Loud enough to please, but not loud enough to be antisocial! I will post a video as soon as I get the chance.

For all other related MG posts please click here: link